Happy Sunday lovelies and welcome to my first Passion Story of 2018!! Before you get to meet January's Passion Story writer, I want to wish you guys a LATE (oops🙈!) Happy New Years. I honestly still cannot believe 2018 is officially here. More importantly, I cannot believe this is the last Sunday of January. Gosh time flies by so quickly! I feel like it was just yesterday that January started!!
Anyways, enough blabbering from me. I'm super excited to share with you January's Passion Story of the Month: Courtney Cranford🎊🎊. We met last semester in our wallyball class and we quickly became friends over discovering our hidden competitive nature that was brought out by playing wallyball. And the cool thing is we still get together with some of our friends and treat ourselves to Chick-fil-a milkshakes after playing 2 hours of wallyball!
She is an entrepreneurship major with a kind personality to match her infectious laugh and I'm excited to share with you guys her Passion Story!
So without further ado...