Hey lovelies! I hope you guys have had a great week so far! Hopefully, most of you guys are done with the school year and are enjoying an early start to summer. I know I have definitely been taking advantage of some extra time to sleep💤😜. I am so excited to be able to spend this summer updating and adding new and fun content to my blog! I have so many ideas for new content to write, but first I need to finish what I have already started; therefore, I am going to finish out my "Behind the Blog// Get To Know Me Series" with pt.3.
So without further ado...
Q: What is your go-to show when watching Netflix?
A: I unfortunately do not have Netflix; I wish I did though. But if I had Netflix, I would watch Psych or Castle! I guess I have a thing for crime shows with a sense of humor.😊 Btw, I heard Psych is premiering a holiday special movie in December!! I AM SO EXCITED!!
Q: Apples or Oranges?
A: Apples! There is more of a variety of apple types plus apple pies are da bomb!💣🍎
Q: What animal is your spirit animal?
A: According to a quiz I took online, my spirit animal is a salmon. The reason given is because I am said to be wise amongst my peers, I am the one to look back before continuing forward on my path, and I like to take lots of photos as a way to remember special moments. I couldn't agree more!
Q: What's the nickname only your family calls you?
A: Jelly. I know it sounds weird and seems random, but my parents used to call my sister and I peanut butter and jelly because we would always be together when we were younger.
Q: What's your favorite musical?
A: Does High School Musical count??😂😂 In terms of Broadway, I would say "Cats" mainly because my 6th grade class did our own rendition of the play.
Q: Favorite album?
A: Unbreakable Smile by Tori Kelly! I seriously love her voice!
Q: Do you have any weird habits?
A: I tend to eat my food in sections. So say I order a hamburger and fries, I will usually eat the burger first before eating the fries. Is that weird??😂
Q:What was the best phase in your life?
A: Honestly, I don't have a definite answer since I am still experiencing new moments in my life, so I can't totally say what has been the best so far, but I will say high school has been a cool chapter that I have explored so far.
Q: If you could be any element, what would you be and why?
A: The "element" of surprise!😆😆 sorry, I had to be cheesy🧀; I couldn't resist.
Q: What is your weirdest band memory?
A: Oh my word! I have a lot of " remember that one time at band camp..." memories. I guess one of the weirdest memories is traveling to a marching band competition and having some of my band members tell me that they have found not one but TWO doppelgängers of me from two different marching bands. It was pretty cool but weird at the same time.
Thank you to everyone who sent in questions for me to answer! This was a fun little series for me to do and I hope you guys got a chance to learn something new about me. I would love to get to learn something new about my readers, so please comment down below a fun fact about you! I hope you guys have a great start to your week and don't forget to "stay classy!"😊
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