Sunday, June 11, 2017

All Thai'd Up

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you guys have had a fun and productive week. Today I have another food-related post for you, but it's not a recipe. Think of it like a mesh between a food review and a restaurant recommendation with lots of pictures. Originally, I was planning on posting something more inspirational but the restaurant has inspired me to dedicate a whole post about it. And you know the restaurant is pretty good when you and your family try it for the first time and go back for more the next day.

                                                                                     So without further ado...

I consider this restaurant a happy accident. Originally, we were planning on going to a local Mexican restaurant, but my dad wanted to check out this new Thai restaurant that recently just opened. We came in search of a to-go menu and left with satisfied stomachs and leftovers.

day 1:
The restaurant is broken down into 2 parts: one side is a food market where you can buy a plethora of ingredients, which can be helpful if you want to recreate some of the dishes and the other side is the actual restaurant. I really enjoyed perusing around the market and becoming acquainted with new and unfamiliar ingredients. It's also a great way to speed along the waiting time for your food.

Bugs Bunny would be happy to see these!๐Ÿ˜‰


My mom ordered the Pho (pronounced like "fuh"), which is a popular Vietnamese soup consisting of broth, rice noodles, a few herbs, and meat (usually beef).

I had the red curry (with chicken). It is one of my all-time favorite Thai dishes and the restaurant prepared it beautifully. It's basically a Thai soup made with red curry paste, spices & seasonings, and a coconut milk base, which gives the dish a smooth creamy consistency. It also consists of vegetables such as green beans, mushrooms, baby corn, red bell peppers, carrots, and bamboo shoots and is paired with the classic steamed Jasmine rice. Absolutely delicious!

day 2:

My mom likes to try new dishes whenever we go to restaurants, so this time around we decided to add two appetizers to the dinner mix. The 1st one pictured above is the fried wontons. They were DELICIOUS! The filling tasted similar to that of egg rolls and the wonton exterior was fried to a beautiful golden crispiness. And to "sauce it up"(pun intended๐Ÿ˜œ), the sweet and sour sauce brought the dish all together.

The 2nd appetizer we tried was the crispy fried chicken wings. Oh my word, they were so yummy. The outer skin was so crispy and the chicken itself was juicy and very flavorful. Let's just say there was no meat left on the bones when we were done with them.๐Ÿ˜œ

I decided to continue with the curry route, but I tried the green curry with chicken instead of the red curry. It's pretty much like the red curry with the exception of some spices and vegetables such as green beans, green bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, baby corn, broccoli, and bamboo shoots. It had great flavor and tasted very similar to the red curry even though it had a slight kick to it, but the red curry still reigns supreme in my book.

Of course, you can't forget about the heaping mound of the classic pairing of Jasmine rice.

Lard Na (with chicken) : a wide noodle dish with a brown gravy sauce, broccoli, and your choice of meat

Drunken Noodles (with chicken): broaden rice noodles with fish sauce, soy sauce, garlic, meat/seafood/tofu, and various vegetables & seasonings

Drunken rice (with chicken): same as above except with rice instead of noodles

FINAL VERDICT: Overall, I would highly suggest you guys try it out if you are a fan of Thai cuisine. The staff was very kind and welcoming and extremely helpful when helping us decide what kind of dish we should try! If you would like my recommendation on a dish to try, I am red curry all the way!

Thank you guys for taking the time to read this; I hoped you enjoyed it! If you have any questions or comments, please let me know down in the comment section below! I hope you have a great week and most importantly, don't forget to "stay classy".๐Ÿ˜Š

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