So without further ado...
Day 1:
Let me set the mood for you. It was 6:15 in the morning and my eyes were barely open. My body rejected the idea of waking up before 8, but my mind won the internal battle and I somehow managed to get ready for my first college orientation. My stomach resembled the inside of a butterfly observatory as I watched constant drops of rain fall from gray masses in the sky and cascade onto the car window. Traffic collected like dust on the highway, but luckily we were able to make it to the campus with time to spare. I began to feel self-conscious as I saw other new freshman wheel their one suitcase down the parking garage as I carried my purse, a Vera Bradley bag for my laptop, and a backpack ( my mom calls this the "bag lady look").😆
As my mom and I navigated our way through the campus, the constant rain shower began to penetrate my jacket, soaking it. I immediately regretted wearing a windbreaker instead of a rain coat and vowed to not make the same rookie mistake again. We finally arrived at the dorm that would be welcoming my company for the night and I received my first step in becoming a college student: a key to my dorm room. To my surprise, I was the first to enter the room, so I had the opportunity to choose what side of the room I would occupy for the night. After settling in, my mom and I took turns oooing and ahhing at my future home and then proceeded to sit and listen to MANY and MANY informational morning sessions. But I can't complain because my university tried their best to make them as bearable as possible and the information was very helpful.
And then the dreaded moment came.
It was time for my mom to return home as I continued my time on campus. As we said our goodbyes, it felt as if she had given me a handful of independence and I was determined to not let any of it slip through my fingertips. The feeling of vulnerability and awkwardness was weird for me since I was so accustomed to the familiarity of my friends back in high school. The extrovert in me wanted so badly to say hi and introduce myself to a couple people around me, but the introvert in me chose to leave my guard up. Fortunately, I was able to break through my introverted barrier and muster up the courage to strike up a conversation with the person next to me, which led to more conversations with a couple more people until I became part of a small group filled with new friendships. It was such an amazing feeling to see the results of God answering my constant prayers. I never expected in a million years that I would have the amount of fun that I experienced during day 1 of orientation. My guard slowly made its way down to the ground and I began to find comfort in the small group that I happily became a part of. The night was full of fun games, dancing to Beyoncé and Bruno Mars, participating in the school's much-loved tradition, and even indulging in free ice cream. AND YOU KNOW I COULDN'T TURN DOWN FREE ICE CREAM!😄 My night ended with getting to know my roommate through casual convos and I couldn't have been more grateful that I was blessed with someone so kind:)
Day 2:
I woke up to the warm morning sun bursting through the blinds-a much appreciated change from yesterday's rain pour. It was 6:15 in the morning again and this time my body welcomed the warm shower water as I braced for the new day ahead. My roommate and I eagerly proceeded to eat breakfast in the caf where I then joined my newfound friend group. There, another friendship was created through my appreciation for him asking the lunch staff if we could have the tater tots instead of the potato cubes. I learned a valuable lesson that day--good things come to people who ask (especially when it comes to food😜). We then proceeded to attend chapel and prepared ourselves for the seemingly daunting task of creating our schedules for the fall semester. After semi-stressing over the inability to make certain classes mesh together, I finally succeeded and ultimately conquered some of my pre-college fears. I couldn't imagine ending this monumental step in my life's next BIG change without spending some quality time with my mom surrounded by delicious food from a new restaurant [ that's our signature thing] :)
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I decided to change up the format of my posts just for once because I wanted to share my experience with you guys in a more narrative and personal way so you guys can somewhat feel like you were there with me. If you would like to share your college orientation experience, please feel free to comment it down below; I would love to read it:). I hope you guys have a wonderful week and don't forget to "stay classy"!😊
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